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Charlene Pereira


Honours degree of Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Criminology). Master in Counselling, PhD candidature.

Clinical Supervisor and Clinical Member with ACA, CIMA

Full Member Monash University Criminal Justice Research Consortium

Charlene has 28 years experience working in the criminal justice system with adult and young offenders. In 1999 she was awarded by the Department of Justice Community Corrections for achieving a consistently high standard of work performance in a difficult and challenging environment.


While working in private practice, she has been active in the implementation and delivery of professional development programs, and clinical supervision services for practitioners in the allied health field. She has delivered clinical supervision groups for undergraduate and post graduate students at the Australian College of Applied Psychology; and has provided clinical supervision and secondary consultation for staff working at Neami National, Court Integrated Services Program (CISP); Court Services Victoria Family Violence Respondent and Applicant Practitioners; Drug Court, Youth Justice;Victims Assistance and Counselling Programs; and the Multiple and Complex Needs Initiative (MACNI).


In order to extend her knowledge and application of supervisory practices, Charlene is currently enrolled in her PhD with the Monash Criminal Justice Research Consortium where she is exploring the relationship between the style of professional supervision and practitioner skill development under the guidance of Professor Christopher Trotter.


Specialisation: family violence; mental illness and disability; substance use; aggressive and violent offender programs; trauma, gender and culturally responsive case management; restorative justice group conferencing, critical incident stress debriefing and defusing, reflective practice.

Charity Crandall


BA, Grad Cert Career Development, Masters in Applied Social Science (Counselling)

ACA Clinical Supervisor, Member CIMA


Charity is a qualified counsellor with specialist knowledge and training in therapeutic interventions for families and couples, experiencing relationship issues.


Her Masters thesis focused on the impact of social media on intimate relationships. After completing her Masters degree, Charity became a tertiary educator with the Australian College of Applied Psychology. Through this work she discovered her passion for training and facilitating psycho-educational and supervision groups. Charity is also a trained mindfulness and self compassion teacher, and uses these approaches to help promote self care and reflective practice.


Specialisation: family violence; women’s sexual health; relationship and couples counselling; mental illness; victims of crime therapeutic support; worker self-care and wellbeing, critical reflection and leadership coaching.

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Maurice Grant-Drew


Bachelor Applied Social Science (Counselling), Masters in Social Work, Grad. Cert Client Assessment and Case Management MBCP

Member AASW, ACA Clinical Supervisor


Maurice is a qualified counsellor, social worker and clinical supervisor. He has extensive experience in the delivery of case management and counselling services, with specialised training and knowledge in the delivery of therapeutic programs for Indigenous communities and clients engaged in dual diagnosis programs in the south-eastern metropolitan region of Victoria.  


Maurice is a qualified Men's Behaviour Change Facilitator and is a member of the SMIFVP Perpetrator Interventions and Accountability Working Group which is part of the Strategic Pan for the Southern Metropolitan Family Violence Integrated Partnership responsible for the City of Casey, Greater Dandenong and Shire of Cardinia. 


As a clinical supervisor, Maurice works from a strengths-based, collaborative framework encouraging reflective practice as means to assist practitioners identify their strengths and limitations to help facilitate greater self-awareness and increase knowledge and skills to better understand, engage and motivate clients for change. 


Specialisation: family violence, family safety contact, mental health, Men's Behaviour Change Programs, indigenous counselling, grief and loss, alcohol and other drugs, reflective practice and worker well-being.


Gabby Skelsey


Life Member Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA)
Member Australian Counselling Association (ACA) Level 4


Gabby is a qualified counsellor and certified EMDR clinician.

Gabby services include critical incident debriefing, critical incident support and ongoing education
and information regarding the effects of trauma and stress in the workplace. She provides clinical
supervision and reflective practice forums and is an Associate to EAP providers in Victoria including
forensic organisations.

Gabby has participated in ethical review panels for professional associations representing people
working in the field of counselling and psychotherapy. She provides mediation, leadership coaching
and facilitation around issues of management and change within organisations. This involves conflict
resolution and ongoing relationships within the workforce.

Gabby’s memberships and affiliations can be found at


Specialisation: trauma counselling for war-related experiences, front line responders, sexual assault
victim survivors, workplace injury, and the facilitation of leadership coaching, clinical supervision,
reflective practice forums and workplace mediation and change management consultancy.

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